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美国  2006  爱情 喜剧 剧情 
导演:Catherine Cyran 
概要:348电影网皇家婚禮是2003年浪漫喜劇片麻雀變王妃的續集 在前集中 珮姬愛上愛得華 卻不知他是如假包換的丹麥王子 在續集中 兩人卻要面對丹麥皇室傳統律法的規定 就是當王子與一個平民百姓結婚的話 他必須要宣示放棄皇位繼承權 \r\nThis movie was what you would expect from a sequel that is looking to be a sweet and feel good comedy aimed at young audiences. It's great for kids as there is no swearing, questionable subject matter, et. Luke is a doll and comes across the dashing yet not uptight king (or prince, not sure) and I thought he and Paige (Kam Heskin) had great chemistry. You almost sense they really liked each other. Kam plays a little more of a glamorous Paige which I kind of liked now that it takes place in Europe. I found her very cute and funny and not uptight or stuffy either. I like her in Pride and Prejudice too. Kirsten (Clemency Burton-Hill)is hysterical and plays a great villianess. Her father, played by Jim Holt was very entertaining. And the Queen looked very regal and likable. Overall I thought this was a very cute, simple little movie that had some very funny parts and kept me entertained. Worth the rental



爱情片 · 风云榜更多

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